Voice Recognition

Christian Service


Christian Service Requirements
It is the commitment of The Frankfort Christian Academy to provide opportunities for all students to experience the benefits and joy of service to others in the name of Jesus Christ. To that end, the Christian Service program is a component of the Bible curriculum.

A. Christian Service Required
All high school students shall complete at least twenty-five (25) hours of service each school year which include a minimum of twelve (12) hours first semester and thirteen [13] hours second semester.  All middle school students shall complete at least twenty (20) hours of service each school year which include a minimum of ten [10] hours each semester.

  1. All service must be volunteer (non-paid) hours.
  2. Up to three (3) hours of service may be earned each semester working for family members.

  3. Up to seven (7) hours of service may be earned from the preceding summer for the fall semester requirement; up to seven (7) hours of service during Christmas break may be earned for the spring semester requirement.

  4. Students may earn Chrisan service hours by parcipang in organized mission work including domesc and/or internaonal missions. Students may earn their hours of Christian service for a single mission trip if approved by the Bible teacher.

  5. Students may earn service hours for work completed as part of school sponsored mission or service work.

B. Grade
All authorized Christian service completed shall count toward the student's semester grade for Bible instruction.

C.  Supervision and Assistance
All middle and high school students shall present to his/her Bible teacher a plan for performing Chrisan service and the Bible teacher is responsible for approving, monitoring, and validang that the Chrisan service was completed. Students will complete a form that requires the person who supervised their service to authorize that they completed it. Bible teachers will oversee this process and validate the service.

D. Types of Christian Service
Middle and high school students may parctipate in Christian service such as:

1. Assisting an elderly or needy person with house or yard work.

2. Tutoring elementary students, serving in the before/aer school care at TFCA, assisting a community ministry.

3. Childcare for a family in need.

4. Picking up refuse/trash on the grounds of TFCA or a local park.

5. Working in your church in nearly any capacity; assisting with the set-up/take down equipment, stage, working in the nursery or with children’s ministry, etc.

6. Nearly any voluntary activity for TFCA that is done outside of normal school hours.

7. Serve as an office aide in the school office or as an aide for a teacher at TFCA.

8. Volunteer at local animal shelters, soup kitchens, packing meals with a ministry, vising shut-ins, cleaning up at local parks, sending leers to elderly community members or service men/women

9. The Middle School and High School Student Government may also provide organized opportunities for Christian service.

These are examples from which students may choose.  Other Christian service may qualify.  All Christian service must be approved by the student's Bible teacher

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